ODK Collect for covid-19
Create XLSX form
$xls2xform covidIndo.xlsx covidIndo.xml
connect laptop to phone via usb
$adb push covidIndo.xml /sdcard/odk/forms/covidIndo.xml
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
covidIndo.xml: 1 file pushed. 0.1 MB/s (9202 bytes in 0.105s)
On phone.
check folder odk/forms/covidIndo.xml
Then use ODK Collect to collect info formed according to covidInfo form.
Store, don't forget!
Using laptop's file system copy phone's odk folder tout court!
Then use ODK Briefcase jar early version
Its requirement on laptop: folder structure
- odk: from phone
- briefStore: where ODK Briefcase will store instances from odk
- briefCSV: where ODK Briefcase will store CSV results
$ java -jar ODK-Briefcase-v1.9.0.jar -pc -od "./odk" -sd "./briefStore"
It should create under folder briefStore a folder "ODK Briefcase Storage" and its subfolders
Export to CSV
$ java -jar ODK-Briefcase-v1.9.0.jar --export -id "covidIndonesia" -sd "./briefStore" -ed "./briefCSV" -f "covidIndonesia1.csv"
id was recorded in the XLSX form sheet settings.
$xls2xform covidIndo.xlsx covidIndo.xml
connect laptop to phone via usb
$adb push covidIndo.xml /sdcard/odk/forms/covidIndo.xml
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
covidIndo.xml: 1 file pushed. 0.1 MB/s (9202 bytes in 0.105s)
On phone.
check folder odk/forms/covidIndo.xml
Then use ODK Collect to collect info formed according to covidInfo form.
Store, don't forget!
Using laptop's file system copy phone's odk folder tout court!
Then use ODK Briefcase jar early version
Its requirement on laptop: folder structure
- odk: from phone
- briefStore: where ODK Briefcase will store instances from odk
- briefCSV: where ODK Briefcase will store CSV results
$ java -jar ODK-Briefcase-v1.9.0.jar -pc -od "./odk" -sd "./briefStore"
It should create under folder briefStore a folder "ODK Briefcase Storage" and its subfolders
Export to CSV
$ java -jar ODK-Briefcase-v1.9.0.jar --export -id "covidIndonesia" -sd "./briefStore" -ed "./briefCSV" -f "covidIndonesia1.csv"
id was recorded in the XLSX form sheet settings.
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